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General & Combat Robotics

We proudly support general robotics (such as FIRST Robotics), combat robotics (such as BattleBots), and STEM programs across the US with large or small quantities of cut-to-size materials delivered directly to your door.

Team  valkyrie robot shot

"Online Metals is Team Valkyries' first stop when scoping out raw materials to build our BattleBot because of their wide range of materials and sizes to choose from.
– Team Valkryie, BattleBots

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Watert jet cutting a piece of steel Watert jet cutting a piece of steel

Need Waterjet Parts For Your Robot?

Now offering precision custom cuts with fast turnaround for your next robot build!

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Combat robotics (such as BattleBots) is a head-to-head competition in which robots must be designed to both deliver blows powerful enough to disable opposing robots and be able to take blows without faltering as well.