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Alloy Steel
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate
Tube/Pipe: Round
Other: Ball, Sample Pack
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, T-Bar, I-Beam
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Circles, Expanded, Perforated, Tread, Foil, Textured
Tube/Pipe: Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle
Other: Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Tape
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex, Half Oval, Half Round, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, T-Bar
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Foil
Tube/Pipe: Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle
Other: Ball, Decorative, Protoboxes, Sample Pack
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate
Tube/Pipe: Hollowbar
Other: -
Carbon Steel
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, Hex
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Tread, Perforated, Expanded, Wire Mesh
Tube/Pipe: Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle
Other: Ball, Protoboxes, Sample Pack, U-Edge
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Threaded Rod
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Foil
Other: Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Tape
Stainless Steel
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex, Half Round, Drill Rod, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, T-Bar, Accurod
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Tread, Foil, Textured, Perforated, Wire Mesh, Foil Wrap
Tube/Pipe: Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle, Hypodermic Tube, Coil
Other: Ball, Decorative, Fittings, Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Trim Strip
Tool Steel
Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Drill Rod
Flat Product: Sheet / Plate
Tube/Pipe: -
Other: -
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