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Material Long Product Flat Product Tube/Pipe Other
Alloy Steel Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex Sheet / Plate Round Ball, Sample Pack
Aluminum Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, T-Bar, I-Beam Sheet / Plate, Circles, Expanded, Perforated, Tread, Foil, Textured Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Tape
Brass Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex, Half Oval, Half Round, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, T-Bar Sheet / Plate, Foil Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle Ball, Decorative, Protoboxes, Sample Pack
Bronze Round, Square, Rectangle Sheet / Plate Hollowbar -
Carbon Fiber - Sheet / Plate - -
Carbon Steel Round, Square, Rectangle, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, Hex Sheet / Plate, Tread, Perforated, Expanded, Wire Mesh Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle Ball, Protoboxes, Sample Pack, U-Edge
Cast Iron Round, Square, Rectangle, Hollowbar - - -
Copper Round, Square, Rectangle, Threaded Rod Sheet / Plate, Foil Round, Coil Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Tape
Fiberglass - Sheet / Plate - -
Foam - Sheet / Plate - -
Kevlar - Sheet / Plate - -
Lead - Sheet - -
Magnesium Round Sheet/Plate - -
Maraging Steel Round - - -
Nickel Round, Hex Sheet / Plate, Foil Round -
Nickel Silver Round Sheet / Plate - -
Plastics Round Sheet / Plate, Corrugated Roof Panels Tube / Tubing Protoboxes, Sample Pack
Rubber - Sheet, Strip, Coil - -
Stainless Steel Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex, Half Round, Drill Rod, Threaded Rod, Angle, Channel, T-Bar, Accurod Sheet / Plate, Tread, Foil, Textured, Perforated, Wire Mesh, Foil Wrap Round, Pipe, Square, Rectangle, Coil Ball, Decorative, Fittings, Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Trim Strip
Titanium Round Sheet / Plate Round -
Tool Steel Round, Square, Rectangle, Drill Rod Sheet / Plate - -
Tungsten Carbide Round, Rectangle Bar - - -
Wrought Iron - - - Balusters, Metal Art Components, Panels, Rosettes, Scrolls, Snap Ons
Zinc - Sheet / Plate - -

Alloy Steel

Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Hex

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate

Tube/Pipe: Round

Other: Ball, Sample Pack


Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate

Tube/Pipe: Hollowbar

Other: -

Cast Iron

Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Hollowbar

Flat Product: -

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -


Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Threaded Rod

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Foil

Tube/Pipe: Round, Coil

Other: Protoboxes, Sample Pack, Tape

Maraging Steel

Long Product: Round

Flat Product: -

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -


Long Product: Round, Hex

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate, Foil

Tube/Pipe: Round

Other: -

Nickel Silver

Long Product: Round

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -


Long Product: Round

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate

Tube/Pipe: Round

Other: -

Tool Steel

Long Product: Round, Square, Rectangle, Drill Rod

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -

Tungsten Carbide

Long Product: Round, Rectangle Bar

Flat Product: -

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -

Wrought Iron

Long Product: Balusters, Metal Art Components, Panels, Rosettes, Scrolls, Snap Ons

Flat Product: -

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -


Long Product: -

Flat Product: Sheet / Plate

Tube/Pipe: -

Other: -

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